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Identifying the Good and Bad Aspects Regarding the Samsung Galaxy Tab

April 9, 2012

How does the Samsung Galaxy Tab measure up against other tablets currently on the market? We’ll find the answer to this question and present it in this review for your enlightenment – both the good features and any drawbacks present. Samsung has long been a major player in the electronics field. Now, it has entered the PC tablet arena and is trying to make an impact with these Android OS based devices.

The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, the most powerful model of this series, comes equipped with a dual-core Tegra 2 processor and 1 GB of RAM. You’ll be happy with the speed at which you can access the internet, view your favorite video, or play games – in addition to other tasks – very quickly. Adobe Flash gives you the capability of opening websites quickly and viewing their content. You won’t run out of memory anytime soon whether you opt to have 16 GB or 32 GB. The Galaxy Tab 10.1 has a good sized screen, though it’s less compact than the smaller versions put out by Samsung. You’ll like this screen size because it’s very appropriate for watching your favorite movie or video, or reading a book or magazine online. Any of these three tablets make great eBook readers, and you will enjoy using them for this purpose. The Android OS pre-loads the Kindle for Android app on these Samsung tablets. The whole Kindle library and store at Amazon is at your fingertips. So whether or not you have a Kindle device, you can download and read a large selection of books from Amazon, as well as many magazines and newspapers. If you have any other devices that are compatible with Kindle, such as a PC, Mac, many smart phones or of course an actual Kindle, you can synch all of these up so your Kindle library is accessible on all of them. If you enjoy reading, Kindle can become an important resource for you.

Given that the Galaxy Tab is offered in three separate sized units; the one most preferred is the 8.9.

This model is a little bigger than the 7.0 and a bit smaller than the 10.1; it is also highly preferred. If you’re also looking for a phone, you can find packages that include a Galaxy Tab 8.9 along with a Galaxy S ll smart phone. You will be able to get the phone and the tablet on AT&T’s LTE network. You will be asked to sign up for a service plan when you decide to put the phone on a plan. Whether you care about the phone or not, the Galaxy Tab 8.9 is a good sized screen for activities such as reading books, watching videos or just surfing the web.

You will find that these mid-range Samsung Galaxy Tabs have many capabilities. If you’re looking for a tablet, this is certainly one worth considering. The three models of the Samsung GT have slight differences. When you are reviewing them, be sure to note the differences so you know which one is best for you. When the Android OS is upgraded, watch also for upgrades to the Samsung Galaxy Tab.

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